As the last day of preparation for the World Show comes to a close, I began to think about how this APHA Fall World Show will be different from World Shows past. Obviously the fact that the Open and Amateur portion is now held in November instead of June is a big one. However, as I walked around the show grounds today, I noticed a few things that are also different this year.
For one, the trade show has been scaled down considerably and is now located in the entryway to the John Justin, where the show office used to be. The show office is now sharing space next to the stall office in the John Justin. Also, our beloved cinnamon roll and baked potato stand is now located in with the trade show, as opposed to being in its normal corner in the John Justin arena.
A new part of the décor in the John Justin is the addition of five large posters listing the 2008 Amateur exhibitors who received top twenty and year-end honor roll awards. Also, part of the décor in the John Justin are yellow, gray and white curtains that line the glass windows behind the stadium seating. (Don’t ask me who picked out the color scheme for that one).
One exciting new feature in the Watt arena is a 9x9 projector screen like the one in the John Justin that is used to post finals results and stream advertisements from the Paint Horse Journal.
A proposed change that the Executive Committee is debating involves a member-driven proposal to make the World Show a regional qualifying event. But that’s still in the works for now.
While a few things at the World Show have changed, there are some things that will always stay the same. Like the fact that you can order a cinnamon roll at 6:00 at night and no one thinks you’re strange. Or that despite show management’s desperate attempt to schedule arena times for different disciplines, there is never space to warm up when you need it. Or the way that you can hear the lights in the John Justin hum when you’re riding by yourself at 2:30 in the morning.
They say that change is a good thing, but I hope that some things about the World Show will never change.