According to reports from the “Warm-up for the APHA Fall World Championship Show” in Waco this weekend, several people will be filling out judge’s evaluation forms to comment on what they believe to be the unsatisfactory performance of a few judges.
As the last day of the show came to a close, the barns were a buzz of activity as a number of people passed out judge’s evaluation forms and insisted that exhibitors and trainers fill in their own comments on the judge’s performance and send them in to APHA.
Some of the complaints included a judge making inappropriate comments to youth exhibitors, setting up patterns incorrectly and numerous instances where cards had to be sent back down to the judges because some exhibitor numbers that were written down weren’t in the class.
Additionally, people commented on the questionable placing of several classes, a judge who altered his/her positioning in a showmanship class to accommodate different horses, a judge who asked an exhibitor his/her opinion about the setting up of a pattern and even allowed an exhibitor, who was competing in the class, to physically assist in the setting up of a pattern.
It is important to note that the opinions about the judges performance included within this blog are not those of the author or of The Equine Chronicle in general, but of the individuals who volunteered the information for this blog.