With the APHA World Championship Fall Show a little less than two months away, many Paint horse exhibitors chose to attend the first ever "2x2 show," in Waco, Texas. The event is organized by the combined efforts of the Texas Paint Horse Club and the Northeast Texas Paint Horse Club. By combining the two club's shows, exhibitors are able to squeeze two full show days into the three day weekend. Our referees for this show are Sherry Haynes, Michael Jesch, Jim Mulhausen and Betty Wilson.
One of the highlights for this weekend is the "2x2 Super Horse" competition. For exhibitors who show in halter and at least three different performance categories, the possible prizes include saddles for both Highpoint and Reserve Highpoint and buckles for 3rd through 6th place.
On the slate for tommorrow's schedule is western pleasure, reining, cowhorse, two sets of trail and more speed classes. Sunday features a complete show day, minus trail. Stay tuned for more results and an update on who is leading the Super Horse Competition...